AI has many uses in the communications industry. It can be used to support creative work, automate processes, or even for mass customisation.
Automate mass customisation with AI
Communicating a change of corporate image elements
Communication around the Christmas holidays
Strategic idea
Send personalised Christmas postcards to partners (both domestic and international) according to their needs (based on their own description); collect and post the images on a dedicated Insta page built with the new branding with some explanatory text.
Use Make platform combined with Chat GPT (and Microsoft account, Excel, Instagram, DALL-E, Canva)
Description of the automated process
Hundreds of partners and journalists received a letter from Probako in mid-December, asking them to write in an email, in a completely informal way, their favourite or imagined Christmas scene: what Christmas is like or means to them.
The system then created their own Christmas card, which they sent to their email account with a nice message.
At the same time, without mentioning the creator’s name, the image was posted with a short explanatory text on the Insta page with the new look created for the campaign, where we also explained that the action was part of a multi-stage campaign linked to the rebranding of the agency.
The whole process was of course fully automated once it was created, without any human intervention.
The game (i.e. the automated process) was closed on 24th December
114 “prompting” letters were received in about 10 days of the campaign, which resulted in the same number of images being uploaded to the dedicated Insta-page (about 10% of the original recipients participated)
1164 views were registered on the dedicated Insta page
We received a lot of positive feedback from partners and journalists about how good they thought the idea was
Lessons learned
A significant proportion of people still prefer to consume content rather than create it. Even in a game without any consequences, far more people visited our Insta page than sent us emails.
Language use: in Hungarian, the issue of pronouns (like German du & Sie or Spanish tu & usted) is a difficult challenge for the language model. Initially, the app worked flawlessly, writing letters to everyone in the language they requested. However, when we built in the option to use Hungarian in friendly tone (like German du or Spanish tu), the foreign language communication did not work smoothly from then on.
The display of certain content was not supported by the AI drawing systems: this could be called a kind of AI self-censorship… Sometimes the prompt created by Chat GPT (free-form descriptions in emails were converted by Chat GPT into prompts for DALL-E) was not drawn by DALL-E.
The faces in the pictures are sometimes strangely distorted – there are several explanations for this; but it deserves a separate article.
Don’t start mass uploading on META platforms with a fresh account, because it might cause surprises 🙂
If you are interested in AI-based process automation, please contact us at