IdeaBank's post with #trends hashtag

IdeaBank's post with #trends hashtag

„Not to replace people with AI”

How media industry and content creation could survive in the shadow of AI? How do Dutch media companies manage transparency and other ethical issues related to the usage of AI? Rick Thomson of ADR NieuwsMedia answered IdeaBank’s questions in Rotterdam.

Hungary: how to communicate effectively

The article helps companies in planning and managing their communication activities in the Hungarian market

How to communicate in CEE region? Part Two: Czech Republic

What are the most important unique features of Czech communication market? Patrik Schober, founder of Czech communication agency Pram answers IdeaBank’s questions.

A "know how" nem titok Célunk, hogy azoknak az ügyfeleknek, akik szeretnék saját kezükbe venni cégük digitális kommunikációját átadjuk tapasztalatainkat, tudásunkat és megismertessük eszköztárunk titkaival, fortélyaival.

Connected technologies

Rhodri Harries Managing Director of London based consumer electronics specialist communication agency Kaizo gives us valuable insight.