Posts by András R. Nagy

Posts by András R. Nagy

Is Tyrion Lannister really a Targaryen?

Super Bowl – When advertising becomes the media content. Super Bowl is not just a big (or THE BIG) American sporting event of the year but it is an annual audio-visual advertising orgy too. According to television ratings companies a significant segment of the audience tunes into the Super Bowl solely to view commercials.

Question of the day: is it possible to make a corporate video interesting?

A couple of decades ago PR work was mostly about drafting texts and various (mostly text-based) communicational materials. The world has changed a lot since then. To tell you the truth, I never thought I would one day write a blog post about tips and tricks for corporate video production.

A "know how" nem titok Célunk, hogy azoknak az ügyfeleknek, akik szeretnék saját kezükbe venni cégük digitális kommunikációját átadjuk tapasztalatainkat, tudásunkat és megismertessük eszköztárunk titkaival, fortélyaival.

Connected technologies

Rhodri Harries Managing Director of London based consumer electronics specialist communication agency Kaizo gives us valuable insight.

What are the most important trends in food?

Food and beverage industry is in the spotlight. Health conscious consumers want greater transparency of sources ang processes. At the same time the environmental impact of the industry raises attention. Meanwhile the F&B industry changes rapidly, and online retail gains greater dominance. F&B marketers face difficult times. Edward Hoffman, Senior Vice Preseident of Minneapolis based […]

Pharma Is a Sensitive Issue

Pharma & heatlthcare is a very sensitive sector. We’ve talked to pharma communication expert Serge Beckers, chairman of Worldcom Healthcare Practice Group.

Communication for logistics companies

Logistics companies easily could find themselves in the crosshairs of the communication of environmental organizations. We have talked about the major challanges of communication for logistics companies with Chris Lawrence, managing director of JBP Associates.

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

It is always interesting to know what our clients think of us. In this post we summarize the results of our annual client evaluation.

Employee engagement in COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic created an unprecedented situation and a gloomy picture of the global economy all over the world. It is very hard to keep the level employee engagement when so many other things are at stake. Seasoned PR professional and employee engagement guru Crispin Manners answered IdeaBank’s questions.

How to use Wikipedia in corporate communication?

Wikipedia became the number one online encyclopedia and reference point several years ago. Some companies have realized the communication potential of this channel, however not all of them can avoid pitfalls. We asked acknowledged US Wikipedia expert William Beutler, CEO of digital agency Beutler Ink.

Planned behavior

How Behavior Design principles can be applied in everyday campaign planning? We asked US communication professional Roger Hurni who manages his own company Off Madison Ave and currently leads Worldcom PR Group.


Survey From The Worldcom Public Relations Group Suggests Long-Term Changes Likely For The Industry

How to communicate in CEE region? Part One: Poland

How to communicate on the Polish market? Ewelina Wojtysiak-Sowa, Client Service Director of award winning Polish agency Made in PR shared her thoughts with IdeaBank.

How to communicate in CEE region? Part Two: Czech Republic

What are the most important unique features of Czech communication market? Patrik Schober, founder of Czech communication agency Pram answers IdeaBank’s questions.

How to communicate in CEE region? Part Three: Bulgaria

How to communicate in the Bulgarian market? Managing director of Janev&Janev agency, Todor Janev answered IdeaBank’s questions.

How to communicate in CEE region? Part Four: Romania

How to communicate in Romania? Rares Petisor, managing director or Romanian communications agency Media Pozitiv answered IdeaBank’s questions.

How was 2021

At the beginning of each year, we ask our clients to give us formal feedback. They appreciate our expertise, our availability and our punctuality.

Palletways Challenges

Coronavirus, Brexit, war in Ukraine – some of the major recent challenges affecting the logistics industry. How can the UK-based European logistics network, Palletways cope with them?

War next door 2.

IdeaBank has asked a few PR agency professionals in neighboring countries about the effect of current war situation in their markets. Ewelina Wojtysiak-Sowa, Client Service Director of award winning Polish agency Made in PR answered our questions.

Broad professional representation instead of an elite team

Where did HUPRA, the leading organization of the HUngarian PR profession come from and in what direction is it developing? We asked re-elected chairman, András Sztaniszláv about his plans for the next two years.

The biggest challenges for PR in 2024

We asked Natasa Pavlovic Bujas, the recently nominated President of IPRA (International Public Relations Association), about her new position and the challenges for the PR profession in 2024, the main characteristics of PR communication in the Central and Eastern European region, and ethical concerns related to the PR as a profession

Success Stories and Exceptional Professional

Why is it good for us Hungarian PR people that a Hungarian professional is the new head of the ICCO? What are his plans after the appointment and when will he be satisfied with the results? András Sztaniszláv, the newly appointed interim CEO of ICCO, answered IdeaBank’s questions.

Hungary: how to communicate effectively

The article helps companies in planning and managing their communication activities in the Hungarian market

„Not to replace people with AI”

How media industry and content creation could survive in the shadow of AI? How do Dutch media companies manage transparency and other ethical issues related to the usage of AI? Rick Thomson of ADR NieuwsMedia answered IdeaBank’s questions in Rotterdam.

AI trends in PR: start experimenting

Everybodytalks about the disruptive energy of artificial intelligence-based applications in the communication industry. Nobody can forsee the future in details but we can feel that this is a time of significant changes. We try to look into what lies ahead of us with renowned international AI strategist, writer and keynote speaker, Antal de Waij.